Wednesday, July 8, 2009

Republican Stupidity and Michael Jackson

Yes. You read the title of this blog correctly. Honestly, I just get SO absolutely frustrated at times at some of actions of some Republicans. So this morning, as I am getting everything put together for a busy day on the phone, I click on Drudge Report to check out what is going on and there is an article about how a New York Republican, Peter King, has plans to oppose the Sheila Jackson-Lee proposed resolution about Michael Jackson.

See? THIS is precisely the kind of shit that people in this country remember! We do NOT remember the implications of the Smoot-Hawley Tariff but we DO remember when elected officials pick on pop stars! TRUST ME! Peter King, seriously, we ALL know that Michael Jackson was a Freak Show. We ALL know that he settled out of court to avoid prosecution, and that comes along with the nasty implied guilt. We ALL know that the guy was just a train wreck. Do we REALLY need You, standing up against this? Do You have ANY clue what kind of press coverage you are going to get? Of course you do. This is precisely WHY You are doing this! TRUST ME! It's not going to help one bit.

There are a few reasons WHY this opposition effort of yours is going to just be grandstanding that only results in further damage to the GOP and, as if I cared, Your own electability. Frankly, if you were to be voted out of office, that might not be the worst thing that could happen to the party.

First and foremost, kicking a man while he is down is just mean-spirited. It's not sportsman-like and Americans generally frown on this. White, black, asian, hispanic, all Americans appreciate a good sport. Opposing this Resolution only makes you 'one of those evil Republicans/Christian Right Wingers.'

Another significant reason I wish you'd back off these threats of opposition is that we NEED every vote we can get. I am not thinking that Sheila Jackson-Lee would EVER vote for any sane Republican measures, she is far too concerned with staying in office and being on the winning side to do that. BUT, the average citizen. See, we have a HUGE challenge in this country: we do NOT remember our History. Most Americans have absolutely NO interest in our History. I would wager, if you asked when the terrorist attacks on NYC took place, I bet you'd ALREADY get varied answers. Sad. But what people DO remember is stuff like this. Michael Jackson's Memorial Service. The crying Paris Michael Jackson at the end of the Memorial. THAT is what the average Yank remembers. And if YOU beat up on that, well, you become a part of it, but not in a good way.

Oh no. You will be THAT guy that dragged Michael Jackson's dead body through the mud. Listen: after seeing that little girl, ANYthing you say or do even remotely negative is going to be perceived as a direct attack on Her. Paris Michael Jackson. Because in that 20 second moment she had, she changed Michael Jackson's nickname from "King of Pop" to "Daddy." He WAS human. Let's not forget that. And all those kids need is more abuse being lobbed onto their fathers corpse before he is even taking his dirt bath.

Just lay off. I can't stand the fact that Sheila Jackson-Lee was babbling on and on about this Congressional Resolution, but c'mon. The guy COULD dance. And Thriller? That album and video was THE best I've ever seen, before or since. So, in the interests of keeping the few seats we HAVE in Congress, why not shelve this petty attack and be a grown-up.

Trust me: Personally, I think we are screwed regardless of your actions, but frankly, instead of giving the Left more fodder for their 'Republicans are BAD people' theory, let's sit this one out. Okay Sport? Take one for the team, just this once. Lord knows I am sure you surrender your principals on a daily basis as it is.


A Concerned Conservative