Wednesday, July 8, 2009

Republican Stupidity and Michael Jackson

Yes. You read the title of this blog correctly. Honestly, I just get SO absolutely frustrated at times at some of actions of some Republicans. So this morning, as I am getting everything put together for a busy day on the phone, I click on Drudge Report to check out what is going on and there is an article about how a New York Republican, Peter King, has plans to oppose the Sheila Jackson-Lee proposed resolution about Michael Jackson.

See? THIS is precisely the kind of shit that people in this country remember! We do NOT remember the implications of the Smoot-Hawley Tariff but we DO remember when elected officials pick on pop stars! TRUST ME! Peter King, seriously, we ALL know that Michael Jackson was a Freak Show. We ALL know that he settled out of court to avoid prosecution, and that comes along with the nasty implied guilt. We ALL know that the guy was just a train wreck. Do we REALLY need You, standing up against this? Do You have ANY clue what kind of press coverage you are going to get? Of course you do. This is precisely WHY You are doing this! TRUST ME! It's not going to help one bit.

There are a few reasons WHY this opposition effort of yours is going to just be grandstanding that only results in further damage to the GOP and, as if I cared, Your own electability. Frankly, if you were to be voted out of office, that might not be the worst thing that could happen to the party.

First and foremost, kicking a man while he is down is just mean-spirited. It's not sportsman-like and Americans generally frown on this. White, black, asian, hispanic, all Americans appreciate a good sport. Opposing this Resolution only makes you 'one of those evil Republicans/Christian Right Wingers.'

Another significant reason I wish you'd back off these threats of opposition is that we NEED every vote we can get. I am not thinking that Sheila Jackson-Lee would EVER vote for any sane Republican measures, she is far too concerned with staying in office and being on the winning side to do that. BUT, the average citizen. See, we have a HUGE challenge in this country: we do NOT remember our History. Most Americans have absolutely NO interest in our History. I would wager, if you asked when the terrorist attacks on NYC took place, I bet you'd ALREADY get varied answers. Sad. But what people DO remember is stuff like this. Michael Jackson's Memorial Service. The crying Paris Michael Jackson at the end of the Memorial. THAT is what the average Yank remembers. And if YOU beat up on that, well, you become a part of it, but not in a good way.

Oh no. You will be THAT guy that dragged Michael Jackson's dead body through the mud. Listen: after seeing that little girl, ANYthing you say or do even remotely negative is going to be perceived as a direct attack on Her. Paris Michael Jackson. Because in that 20 second moment she had, she changed Michael Jackson's nickname from "King of Pop" to "Daddy." He WAS human. Let's not forget that. And all those kids need is more abuse being lobbed onto their fathers corpse before he is even taking his dirt bath.

Just lay off. I can't stand the fact that Sheila Jackson-Lee was babbling on and on about this Congressional Resolution, but c'mon. The guy COULD dance. And Thriller? That album and video was THE best I've ever seen, before or since. So, in the interests of keeping the few seats we HAVE in Congress, why not shelve this petty attack and be a grown-up.

Trust me: Personally, I think we are screwed regardless of your actions, but frankly, instead of giving the Left more fodder for their 'Republicans are BAD people' theory, let's sit this one out. Okay Sport? Take one for the team, just this once. Lord knows I am sure you surrender your principals on a daily basis as it is.


A Concerned Conservative

Sunday, June 21, 2009

Iran. What gives?

Okay, so I doubt many of you have been as fascinated as I have with the whole Iranian mess. And over the past few days, I've spent an inordinate amount of time watching the various 24/7 news channels to keep up to date on what is going on.

I mean, to ME, it's kind of like having video feed of the Founding Fathers at Faneuil Hall in Boston as the rhetoric against King George started to heat up back in the 1770's. Brilliant stuff. I mean, to watch a people rise up against tyranny is just, well, exciting. Particularly a regime as oppressive as the Iranian Mullah-tocracy (and before any of my liberal friends feel the need, I know that's not technically a legitimate term, but You KNOW what I mean.).

To catalogue what has been going on of late for those of you not watching, the Iranians had an election last week. Hardliner Ahmadinejad was being challenged by a more progressive candidate that has been receiving significant support from pro-democracy students and young adults. I mean, how long can you keep a people living in the 13th century before they wake up one morning and say "Wait a minute. We are the world's 6th largest producer of oil. Oil is particularly valuable today. Prices are going up and we are not really SEEING any of it. And if we DID? All the bling we would buy for our ladies is going to be hidden beneath those bhurkas! WTF?"

Okay, so maybe just three or four weeks ago these people were marching in the streets screaming "Death to America" or "Death to the Great Satan" (for those of you just tuning in, "WE," The US of A are the Great Satan to them)...but now? Now they are shouting "Death to the Dictator!" (I am 90% sure they mean Ahmadinejad here, but they could be referring to the Ayatollah Khomeni who is the spiritual head of the country...You've seen him, looks like one of the ZZTop guys in a turban....lots of black robes.

So here is my 'what gives' question: WHERE ARE THE TANKS? Where is the iconic photograph of the lone protestor standing in front of a T-72 like in Tienanmen Square? They've got the tanks. Ask Iraq about their tanks. Though, in an interesting piece of historical military news, they STILL list in their arsenal of armored fighting vehicles M-47/48's and M-60's. We got rid of those tanks in the 70's and 80's. But regardless, a tank is a tank to a civilian with a protest sign. And tanks, even old ones, have guns. Lots of them: machine guns, main guns (the big nasty tank killing/building destroying main guns).

So where IS the Iranian military? They've sent their Basij militia. These guys are the modern equivalent of the Nazi parties early members: The Brown Shirts as they are more commonly known, or the SA or Sturmabteilung. These Iranian Basiji (the plural of Basij) are literally street thugs who you can see riding on motorcycles and swinging clubs at the protestors. I actually saw some really nice footage of one of them that had been taken down by some of the protestors and they were kicking the crap out of him! And in the last resort of a true scoundrel, he looked TERRIFIED and seemed to be pleading with the protestors. They ignored his pleas and literally, beat the tar out of the guy. Of course, I cannot say I actually SAW tar coming out of him, but if God put it in him, I am sure those protestors helped get it out of him.

See, Ahmadinejad was, at one time, a commander of those street thugs. So it makes sense that they would mobilize to defend one of their own. But WHERE are the tanks? Why have they not rolled out the heavy armor and just bulldozed the protestors?

I have a theory (as I am SURE anyone who knows me would expect! :) See, just like back in 1993, when the Soviets REALLY collapsed, the Soviet Army sent troops to the Soviet White House. One of the soldiers was quoted back then as refusing an order to fire on the protestors by saying "What? And shoot my Grandmother?"

I think this may well be what is going on in Tehran. The army commanders are saying "No thanks." Either that or The Ayatollah doesn't want another Tienanmen Square moment. And what do we do? Well, more accurately, what does our President do? Nothing. He reminds the Mullahs in Iran that the 'international community is watching.' Whoa. Scary. How about just coming straight out and saying "Iran, STOP this horseshit."?

Maybe that's too blunt for Obama and his teleprompter. I wonder what the teleprompter would say?

Wednesday, May 13, 2009

The Most Significant Driver of Our Debt? Healthcare? Really?

So Barack Hussein Obama just spoke about this healthcare reform that he is pushing. His comment was "The most significant driver of our debt is healthcare." Hmmmm. Could have fooled me because, the way "I" see it, the biggest single driver for our national debt is Barack Hussein Obama and his cronies spending like a teenager who just got their birthday money!

Spending more than any President in history, this guy is NOW proposing to provide healthcare coverage for everyone in an attempt to reduce the premiums that people like you and I have to pay. Hmmmm....okay, let me get this straight: So in order for EVERYONE to get 'affordable' healthcare coverage at a reasonable cost, you are going to spend MORE money (that, ironically, we do NOT have as a Nation) to ensure that. And where Pray tell is that money going to be coming from? I will tell You: You and Me. That is where the money is coming from.

What REALLY bugs the Leftists is the fact that, in order for everyone to receive the mandated healthcare that they are LEGALLY entitled to (since 1982), those of us that DO have healthcare insurance are required to pay higher premiums because the hospitals have to charge more for those of us that pay because there are people who receive healthcare and do not pay for it. Okay. Just so You know, contrary to Ted Henry's comments, I am not a heartless bastard. I can appreciate that EVERYONE deserves to be taken care of when sick. But: (and this is a BIG but) what really gripes the Lefties is the fact that THEY don't control that money! The hospitals and insurance companies control that money!

Let me say that one more time so it sinks in: The gripe of the Socialists (Obama, et. al) is that they do not CONTROL the money that constitutes those higher insurance premiums. The money that insured individuals have to pay in elevated premiums because hospitals have to charge more to recover the costs on people who are treated and do not pay. They want to make sure that if ANYONE charges more money for healthcare, that it is the Federal Government that is making those decisions. I dont know about You, but this TERRIFIES me. The Federal Government? Taking yet ANOTHER layer of the Free Market over?

"Spreading the Wealth?" Mr. President. It is counter productive to every single principle which has made us the greatest nation on earth and the last remaining Super Power.

It is VERY interesting to observe this administration's attempt to re-name this initiative from "Socialized Medicine" to something that sounds so much less 'socialist' and much more 'American." They are desperately trying to distance themselves from that terminology and made this recent comment: "It's hard to talk about socialized medicine when the hospitals, doctors, insurers, the private sector players are working with us at the White House," a top White House official said.

Really? Ask the folks at General Motors about government takeovers. Ask the former GM CEO what happens when the Obama Administration sticks its nose in your business. Socialism is coming folks. Obama says he 'expects' a bill on his desk by July 31st. Though, it's not like the healthcare industry has any choice in this 'Soft Tyrrany' that IS the Obama Administration.

Sic Semper Tyrannis!

Wednesday, March 25, 2009

Newspapers? Non-Profits? Really?

Okay, so it comes as no real 'surprise' that newspapers are incapable of actually making a profit. The primary reason, at least as I see it is that people have too many sources for information. The Internet, Cable News, News magazines (which I fear will be the next beneficiary of Obama's 'paybacks'), Network News and local news outlets. But in a stellar illustration of the way the Obama Administration (and, by default, the Pelosi-ites and various other Lefties) pays back it's biggest supporters: they are about to enjoy the benefits of being an officially recognized "Non-Profit Organization."

See, Obama NEEDS to pay them back somehow. So I guess he figured: I know! The newspaper industries are failing at an ALARMING rate. No one reads them. So HOW on earth can we keep them from disappearing? I mean, the Fourth Estate HAS to stick around because, if they don't, where will people get their State sanctioned news?

Okay: Matt Lauer and Catie Couric. Eh. I mean, Matt DOES occasionally ask a threatening question. And now Catie is trying to be all bad-a$ on the evening news, she could get too big for her britches. Hmmm...Jon Stewart perhaps? But then, not enough people HAVE cable! That just won't do!

So, in a serendipitous twist of fate, propping up the national liberal rags like The NY Times, The Washington Post, and others, is just Liberal self preservation.

Look at it this way: the internet is FAR from under their control (though, don't you think for a minute, with control of both houses of the Congress and control of 1600 Pennsylvania Avenue, that they aren't going to TRY to control it) and their desire to oust Rush Limbaugh, Sean Hannity and Mark Levin (among hundreds of other Conservative talk show hosts on radio) but the one significant news outlet that is 99% in bed with liberal democrats and other socialists, are the newspapers.

So, this is Step One: prop up the existing sources for news, well, at least the ones THEY control. The newspapers and, if it should happen, the network news shows and news magazines (with a decidedly liberal leaning).
Step Two: bring back the inappropriately named "Fairness Doctrine" and get rid of the overwhelming majority of conservative or, gulp, UNBIASED talk show hosts. REGARDLESS of the fact that "Air America" has PROVEN that a Liberal talk show presence is and WILL be a failure, despite how much money someone throws at it!
Step Three: Secure their dominance in the political arena by limiting the availability of ANY alternative voice. 'Alternative' in that it doesn't jibe entirely with the liberal vision of things.

People, we are, to put it simply: Screwed.

Coming soon to a newspaper near you: Government Paid subscriptions. This is the next step. They will PAY for Your paper just to get the liberal version of things and when THAT happens, they will have removed Rush Limbaugh and staunched any dissenting voice.

Welcome to Obamaland folks!

And to illustrate the TRUE Hypocrisy of this administration: If they are so 'Green-minded' erm, I mean, How on earth do they rationalize the continued persecution of trees?! Think of all the paper and ink that we would be saving if we allowed those archaic institutions to just disintegrate! It boggles the mind to think of what Al Gore would have to say about this. My Niece is actually going to meet him tonight...maybe I should get her to ask him for me?

Listen, all joking aside, apart from the few troglodytes (that's 'cave people' to You democrats) that don't have the internet, it IS the single most effective way to get news out to people through that electronic medium. It saves trees, is FAR more efficient AND, most importantly, depending on what sites you visit, can actually offer a relatively unbiased opinion! And don't give me any 'oh, older people don't use the internet' crap. My Mom, who is in her 70's not only uses the internet ALL the time, she's even taken to text messaging me!

Oh, wait: I can see why the liberals don't want You relying on that resource for your news! Because You just might learn the truth! Oops!

Sorry. I take it all back.