Wednesday, March 25, 2009

Newspapers? Non-Profits? Really?

Okay, so it comes as no real 'surprise' that newspapers are incapable of actually making a profit. The primary reason, at least as I see it is that people have too many sources for information. The Internet, Cable News, News magazines (which I fear will be the next beneficiary of Obama's 'paybacks'), Network News and local news outlets. But in a stellar illustration of the way the Obama Administration (and, by default, the Pelosi-ites and various other Lefties) pays back it's biggest supporters: they are about to enjoy the benefits of being an officially recognized "Non-Profit Organization."

See, Obama NEEDS to pay them back somehow. So I guess he figured: I know! The newspaper industries are failing at an ALARMING rate. No one reads them. So HOW on earth can we keep them from disappearing? I mean, the Fourth Estate HAS to stick around because, if they don't, where will people get their State sanctioned news?

Okay: Matt Lauer and Catie Couric. Eh. I mean, Matt DOES occasionally ask a threatening question. And now Catie is trying to be all bad-a$ on the evening news, she could get too big for her britches. Hmmm...Jon Stewart perhaps? But then, not enough people HAVE cable! That just won't do!

So, in a serendipitous twist of fate, propping up the national liberal rags like The NY Times, The Washington Post, and others, is just Liberal self preservation.

Look at it this way: the internet is FAR from under their control (though, don't you think for a minute, with control of both houses of the Congress and control of 1600 Pennsylvania Avenue, that they aren't going to TRY to control it) and their desire to oust Rush Limbaugh, Sean Hannity and Mark Levin (among hundreds of other Conservative talk show hosts on radio) but the one significant news outlet that is 99% in bed with liberal democrats and other socialists, are the newspapers.

So, this is Step One: prop up the existing sources for news, well, at least the ones THEY control. The newspapers and, if it should happen, the network news shows and news magazines (with a decidedly liberal leaning).
Step Two: bring back the inappropriately named "Fairness Doctrine" and get rid of the overwhelming majority of conservative or, gulp, UNBIASED talk show hosts. REGARDLESS of the fact that "Air America" has PROVEN that a Liberal talk show presence is and WILL be a failure, despite how much money someone throws at it!
Step Three: Secure their dominance in the political arena by limiting the availability of ANY alternative voice. 'Alternative' in that it doesn't jibe entirely with the liberal vision of things.

People, we are, to put it simply: Screwed.

Coming soon to a newspaper near you: Government Paid subscriptions. This is the next step. They will PAY for Your paper just to get the liberal version of things and when THAT happens, they will have removed Rush Limbaugh and staunched any dissenting voice.

Welcome to Obamaland folks!

And to illustrate the TRUE Hypocrisy of this administration: If they are so 'Green-minded' erm, I mean, How on earth do they rationalize the continued persecution of trees?! Think of all the paper and ink that we would be saving if we allowed those archaic institutions to just disintegrate! It boggles the mind to think of what Al Gore would have to say about this. My Niece is actually going to meet him tonight...maybe I should get her to ask him for me?

Listen, all joking aside, apart from the few troglodytes (that's 'cave people' to You democrats) that don't have the internet, it IS the single most effective way to get news out to people through that electronic medium. It saves trees, is FAR more efficient AND, most importantly, depending on what sites you visit, can actually offer a relatively unbiased opinion! And don't give me any 'oh, older people don't use the internet' crap. My Mom, who is in her 70's not only uses the internet ALL the time, she's even taken to text messaging me!

Oh, wait: I can see why the liberals don't want You relying on that resource for your news! Because You just might learn the truth! Oops!

Sorry. I take it all back.