Wednesday, May 13, 2009

The Most Significant Driver of Our Debt? Healthcare? Really?

So Barack Hussein Obama just spoke about this healthcare reform that he is pushing. His comment was "The most significant driver of our debt is healthcare." Hmmmm. Could have fooled me because, the way "I" see it, the biggest single driver for our national debt is Barack Hussein Obama and his cronies spending like a teenager who just got their birthday money!

Spending more than any President in history, this guy is NOW proposing to provide healthcare coverage for everyone in an attempt to reduce the premiums that people like you and I have to pay. Hmmmm....okay, let me get this straight: So in order for EVERYONE to get 'affordable' healthcare coverage at a reasonable cost, you are going to spend MORE money (that, ironically, we do NOT have as a Nation) to ensure that. And where Pray tell is that money going to be coming from? I will tell You: You and Me. That is where the money is coming from.

What REALLY bugs the Leftists is the fact that, in order for everyone to receive the mandated healthcare that they are LEGALLY entitled to (since 1982), those of us that DO have healthcare insurance are required to pay higher premiums because the hospitals have to charge more for those of us that pay because there are people who receive healthcare and do not pay for it. Okay. Just so You know, contrary to Ted Henry's comments, I am not a heartless bastard. I can appreciate that EVERYONE deserves to be taken care of when sick. But: (and this is a BIG but) what really gripes the Lefties is the fact that THEY don't control that money! The hospitals and insurance companies control that money!

Let me say that one more time so it sinks in: The gripe of the Socialists (Obama, et. al) is that they do not CONTROL the money that constitutes those higher insurance premiums. The money that insured individuals have to pay in elevated premiums because hospitals have to charge more to recover the costs on people who are treated and do not pay. They want to make sure that if ANYONE charges more money for healthcare, that it is the Federal Government that is making those decisions. I dont know about You, but this TERRIFIES me. The Federal Government? Taking yet ANOTHER layer of the Free Market over?

"Spreading the Wealth?" Mr. President. It is counter productive to every single principle which has made us the greatest nation on earth and the last remaining Super Power.

It is VERY interesting to observe this administration's attempt to re-name this initiative from "Socialized Medicine" to something that sounds so much less 'socialist' and much more 'American." They are desperately trying to distance themselves from that terminology and made this recent comment: "It's hard to talk about socialized medicine when the hospitals, doctors, insurers, the private sector players are working with us at the White House," a top White House official said.

Really? Ask the folks at General Motors about government takeovers. Ask the former GM CEO what happens when the Obama Administration sticks its nose in your business. Socialism is coming folks. Obama says he 'expects' a bill on his desk by July 31st. Though, it's not like the healthcare industry has any choice in this 'Soft Tyrrany' that IS the Obama Administration.

Sic Semper Tyrannis!